Sports Surface for Running Tracks

Sports Surfaces , Tennis Courts , Sports Flooring , Gym Flooring , Sports Equipment , EPDM , Indoor Sports Flooring , Outdoor Sports Flooring , Safety Flooring , Running Tracks , Aerobic Flooring , Studio Flooring , Athletic Equipment , Cycling Tracks , Acrylic Flooring , Gym Floor , Sports Floor , Dubai Cycle Track , Sport Equipment ,

The beauty of the below is the use of multiple types of Sports surfaces, from acrylic flooring to Running Tracks granules from our partners Fairmont, Malaysia.

When it comes to outdoor sports surfaces, the use of multiple types and colours will differentiate the use of outdoor flooring as well as dictate the type of sport surface being used.

As shown below we have the combination of an outdoor running track and a multipurpose acrylic flooring for outdoor sports.

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